Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Perforated Plate for Ultra Micro Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber
Ultra micro gas turbine, Combustion chamber, Porous media, Perforated plate, Flow characteristicAbstract
The role of ultra-micro gas turbines becomes increasingly strategic in the global shift towards electrification. Currently, battery density significantly lags behind kerosene, making hybrid technology, particularly involving ultra-micro gas turbines, a pertinent solution. Development challenges primarily revolve around engine components operating at high speeds of up to 2 million rpm. The use of porous media, while effective, is limited in Indonesia, prompting the exploration of alternatives. The perforated plate emerges as a promising solution, capable of inducing turbulence and streamlining flow. This study evaluates the flow patterns of the perforated plate, focusing on turbulence generation and combustion stability. Results indicate the potential of the perforated plate to replace porous media with lower pressure loss. The combination of the perforated plate produces the highest-pressure loss, increasing with Reynolds number, significantly contributing to combustion stability. The single perforated plate staggered scheme shows promising characteristics because its flow structure generates high turbulence intensity with low pressure loss, demonstrating practical applicability potential on a larger scale.
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