
Which journals on this site would you like to register with?
  • Semarak International Journal of Modern Law, Policy and Governance
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  • Hybrid International conference on Computer and Education In Conjunction with Hybrid International Symposium on Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
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  • ICTES 2024 4th International Conference on Technology, Engineering and Sciences (ICTES 2024),
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  • RAEM 2023
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  • International Conference on Education, Mathematics and Science (ICEMS) in conjunction with 12th International Postgraduate Conference on Science and Mathematics (IPCSM)
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  • Article Status
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  • CITIC 2024, International Conference on Computer, Information Technology and Intelligent Computing
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  • (EnCon2024) The 15th International UNIMAS Engineering Conference 2024
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  • (ICOETI 2023) The International Conference on Ocean Engineering Technology and Informatics 2023
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  • Semarak Journal of Thermal-Fluid Engineering
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  • Effective Article Writing (EAW) 2024
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  • ICEMAST2024-SMMART2024
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  • Semarak International Research Article Competition 2024/2
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  • Semarak Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences
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  • ICMER24
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  • International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology Application
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  • Semarak Proceedings of Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology
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  • Journal of Soil, Environment & Agroecology
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  • ICCMEH23
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  • Semarak Proceedings of Natural and Environmental Sciences
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  • International Conference on Advanced Technology and Applied Sciences
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  • Semarak International Journal of Transportation and Logistics
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  • Semarak International Journal of Biofuel and Bioenergy
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  • Semarak International Journal of Public Health and Primary Care
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  • Semarak International Journal of Entrepreneurship, Economics and Business Development
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  • Semarak International Journal of STEM Education
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  • Semarak Advanced Research in Organizational Behaviour
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  • Semarak International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering
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  • Semarak International Journal of Public Health and Primary Care
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  • Semarak International Journal of Animal Science and Zoology
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  • Semarak International Journal of Applied Psychology
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  • Semarak Sport Science Letters
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  • Semarak International Journal of Human Resources
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  • Semarak International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
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  • Semarak International Journal of Nanotechnology
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  • Semarak International Journal of Chemical Process Engineering
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  • Semarak International Journal of Mechanical Precision Engineering
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  • Semarak International Journal of Machine Learning
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  • Semarak International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering
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  • Semarak International Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering
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  • Semarak International Journal in Modern Accounting and Finance
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  • ISMSET 2024 International Symposium In Mechanical & Sustainable Engineering Technology (ISMSET 2024)
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  • Semarak International Journal of Design, Built Environment and Sustainability
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  • ICCARTe2024
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  • Semarak International Journal of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering
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  • ICITS2024
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  • Semarak International Journal of Material Research
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  • Semarak Current Biomedical Technology Research Journal
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  • ICISE2024
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  • Semarak International Journal of Current Research in Language and Human Studies
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  • Semarak International Journal of Electronic System Engineering
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  • Semarak International Journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology
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  • Semarak International Journal of Law and Syariah
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  • ICETS2024
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  • Semarak International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communication
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  • Semarak International Journal of Innovation in Learning and Education
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  • Semarak International Journal of Political Science and Public Administration
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  • Semarak Climate Science Letters
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  • Semarak International Journal of Future Tourism and Hospitality Management
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  • Semarak International Journal of Creative Art and Design
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  • International Journal of Advanced Research in Food Science and Agriculture Technology
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  • Semarak International Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture
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  • SIRAC20241
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  • Journal of Advanced Research in Micro and Nano Engineering
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  • ICISC2024
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  • 8th-ISFMTS2024
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  • Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology
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  • Semarak International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics
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  • Journal of Health and Quality of Life
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  • Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mechanics
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  • Semarak Engineering Journal
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  • Journal of Advanced Research in Numerical Heat Transfer
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  • Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
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  • Journal of Ship and Marine Structures
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  • International Journal of Computational Thinking and Data Science
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  • CFD Letters
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  • Journal of Materials Research and Applications
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