International Journal of Creative Art and Design 2024-12-21T13:40:09+07:00Nurul Husna Journal Systems<p>The <strong>Semarak International Journal of Creative Art and Design (SIJCAD)</strong> aims to provide an international platform for research in the field of the creative art and design. It is a gold, open access, double blind peer-reviewed journal. Scope of research includes but are not limited to research in arts, creativity and innovation and also focusing on photography, fine art, illustrations, creative art history as well as other related areas.</p> <h3><strong>EVENTS UPDATE</strong><br /><br /><strong>Semarak International Research Article Competition 2024 III </strong>(SIRAC 2024 III)</h3> <p><a href=""><strong><img src="" alt="" width="931" height="470" /></strong></a></p> <div class="tribe-events-schedule tribe-clearfix">Welcome to our esteemed research article competition! We’re thrilled to invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners worldwide to showcase their groundbreaking [...] <a href=""><strong>READ MORE >></strong></a></div> the Past in the Present World: Cultural Preservation, Innovation and Challenges of Brunei’s Traditional Handicrafts in the Contemporary World (A Study on Rural Longhouses in Brunei Darussalam)2024-10-08T11:13:06+07:00Nabilah<p>Traditional handicraft industry, a relic of ancient times, is still a surviving industry in today’s contemporary world. While traditional handicraft industry remains as an integral economic backbone for the world’s rural populations, studies on this industry has been predominantly focussed on the macro level of cultural preservation efforts such as technological interventions, innovation strategies, policies and regulations. This study begs to differ; it will delve deeper on the cultural preservation efforts on a micro level (from the entrepreneurs and artisans’ perspectives) and the innovation of traditional handicraft industry using plastic materials and new tools which have been largely neglected in the academic body. This study further examines the insights and experiences of the artisans, simultaneously inquiring on the challenges and uncover the opportunities and support they seek to evolve their craft in a rapidly changing world. Through an in-depth analysis of four longhouses in Brunei Darussalam, this paper strives to provide a comprehensive outlook on the current state and multifaceted dynamics of traditional handicraft industry in Brunei Darussalam, a predominantly neglected context in the academic literature.</p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Semarak International Journal of Creative Art and Design Current Methods and Trends in Heritage Preservation: A Systematic Mapping Study2024-11-20T11:54:21+07:00Nur Shahirah Jailanishahirah00@graduate.utm.myMohd Murtadha<p>This research paper presents a systematic mapping study that aims to analyze the current methods and trends in heritage preservation. The field of heritage preservation is a multidisciplinary domain that focusses on the conservation and safeguarding of cultural, historical, and architectural assets. The study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the techniques and approaches employed in the preservation of cultural heritage, with an emphasis on both traditional and modern methodologies. Through the utilization of a meticulous three-phased quality assessment procedure, this study examines and evaluates 25 peer-reviewed publications sourced from seven well-known digital libraries. The publications selected for analysis span the time frame from 2019 to 2024. The study aims to investigate two research questions: (1) What is the extent of research on heritage preservation, particularly concerning different cultural contexts and built environments? and (2) What are the current methods and approaches used in heritage preservation, particularly in addressing specific preservation challenges and technological advancements? The paper presents a synthesis and discussion of the findings from the literature review, offering insights and recommendations for future research directions in the field of heritage preservation. This paper aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and understanding of the state-of the-art techniques and challenges in heritage preservation. It offers valuable guidance for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers who are involved in the conservation of our shared cultural heritage.</p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Semarak International Journal of Creative Art and Design