Semarak International Journal of Mechanical Precision Engineering <p>The <strong>Semarak International Journal of Mechanical Precision Engineering (SIJMPE)</strong> is a gold open-access, peer reviewed academic journal with the aim to provide an international platform for academic research by publishing original high-quality research and review articles. Scope includes but not limited to mechanical precision engineering in areas such as digital design and manufacturing systems, engineering design, smart engineering, system design and applications, CAD/CAM technologies, manufacturing technologies, fabrication technologies, energy beam processing, micro systems and machine elements, manufacturing automation and robotics, manufacturing management, manufacturing processes, bio-medical engineering, ultra-precision controls, nano-micro technology, photonics engineering and optical applications, advanced image processing and other related areas.</p> <h3><strong>EVENTS UPDATE</strong><br /><br /><strong>Semarak International Research Article Competition 2024 III </strong>(SIRAC 2024 III)</h3> <p><a href=""><strong><img src="" alt="" width="931" height="470" /></strong></a></p> <div class="tribe-events-schedule tribe-clearfix">Welcome to our esteemed research article competition! We’re thrilled to invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners worldwide to showcase their groundbreaking [...] <a href=""><strong>READ MORE &gt;&gt;</strong></a></div> Semarak Ilmu Publishing en-US Semarak International Journal of Mechanical Precision Engineering