Nilai Taksonomi Ciri Anatomi dan Mikromorfologi Daun Lima Spesies Hoya R.Br. di Semenanjung Malaysia
Taxonomic Value of Leaf Anatomical and Micromorphological Characteristics of Five Hoya R.Br. Species of Peninsular Malaysia
Apocynaceae, taksonomi, sistematik, mikroskopik tumbuhan, taxonomy, systematics, microscopic plantsAbstract
Kajian dilakukan ke atas lima spesies Hoya R.Br. iaitu H. collina Schltr., H. diversifolia Blume, H. fraterna Blume, H. finlaysonii Wight, dan H. acuta Haw. Objektif kajian ialah untuk mengenalpasti nilai taksonomi ciri umum, variasi dan diagnostik anatomi dan mikromorfologi daun spesies yang dikaji. Kekunci dikotomi pengecaman spesies dibina daripada penemuan kajian. Kajian anatomi melibatkan pengawetan sampel dengan larutan AA, hirisan mikrotom gelongsor, siatan epidermis daun, penjernihan daun dan cerapan di bawah mikroskop cahaya. Kajian ciri mikromorfologi daun melibatkan titik pengeringan kritikal, saduran emas dan cerapan di bawah mikroskop imbasan elektron. Ciri umum terdapat pada corak dinding antiklin, lapisan kutikel, kehadiran latisifer pada petiol, tulang daun dan lamina, hablur, corak tisu vaskular lamina dan hipostomatik stomata. Ciri variasi ditemui pada bentuk luaran petiol, tulang dan tepi daun, bilangan sel epidermis lamina, kehadiran sel hipodermis, corak tisu vaskular petiol, kehadiran dan corak sel sklerenkima, sel kolenkima, sel aerenkima, bintil kanji, jenis peruratan dan lilin, jenis, indeks dan binaan stomata, kehadiran striae dan jenis trikom. Ciri anatomi dan mikromorfologi daun jelas mempunyai nilai taksonomi untuk pembezaan spesies Hoya yang dikaji.
The study was conducted on five species of Hoya R.Br. namely H. collina Schltr., H. diversifolia Blume, H. fraterna Blume, H. finlaysonii Wight, and H. acuta Haw. The objective of the study is to identify the taxonomic value of the general characteristics, variations, and diagnostics of the anatomy and micromorphology of the leaves of the studied species. A dichotomous key to species identification was constructed from the findings of the study. Anatomical studies involved sample preservation with AA solution, sliding microtome sections, leaf epidermal sections, leaf clearing, and observation under a light microscope. The study of leaf micromorphological characteristics involves critical drying points, gold plating, and observation under a scanning electron microscope. Common features are found in the anticline wall pattern, cuticle layer, presence of laticifers on the petiole, leaf bones and laminae, crystals, laminar vascular tissue pattern, and hypostomatic stomata. Characteristic variations are found in the external shape of the petiole, bone, and leaf margin, the number of laminar epidermal cells, the presence of hypodermis cells, the pattern of petiole vascular tissue, the presence and pattern of sclerenchyma cells, collenchyma cells, aerenchyma cells, starch nodules, types of waxy and waxy, type, index and stomatal construction, striae presence and trichome type. The anatomical and micromorphological features of the leaves have taxonomic value for the differentiation of the studied Hoya species.