Suatu Senarai Spesies Dipterokarpa dari Pulau Pangkor, Perak
A List of Dipterocarp Species from Pangkor Island, Perak
Dipterokarpa, Dipterocarpus perakensis, Shorea lumutensis, endemik, Shorea lumut, endemicAbstract
Kertas kajian ini menyenaraikan spesies-spesies dipterokarpa yang terdapat di Pulau Pangkor, Perak. Terdapat tiga hutan simpan di pulau ini iaitu Hutan Simpan Sungai Pinang (HSSP), Hutan Simpan Pangkor Utara (HSPU) dan Hutan Simpan Pangkor Selatan (HSPS). Tinjauan dan pengutipan sampel steril dan fertil telah dibuat di semua denai di ketiga-tiga hutan simpan. Sampel diawet, dikeringkan dan dicamkan sehingga peringkat spesies. Data tambahan juga diperolehi dari spesimen-spesimen yang tersimpan di Herbarium Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (KEP). Hasil kajian mendapati sebanyak 14 spesies daripada tujuh genus bagi dipterokarpa telah dikenalpasti di ketiga-tiga hutan simpan. Kesemua 14 spesies direkodkan di kedua-dua HSPU dan HSPS manakala hanya 11 spesies direkodkan di HSSP. Dua spesies yang endemik di Semenanjung Malaysia turut dicatatkan dalam kajian ini iaitu Dipterocarpus perakensis dan Shorea lumutensis. Kajian ini telah menyumbang data berkaitan komposisi spesies dipterokarpa di hutan bukit pantai di negeri Perak dan Semenanjung Malaysia.
This paper lists the dipterocarp species found on Pangkor Island, Perak. There are three forest reserves on the island: Sungai Pinang Forest Reserve (HSSP), Northern Pangkor Forest Reserve (HSPU), and Southern Pangkor Forest Reserve (HSPS). Surveys and the collection of both sterile and fertile samples were conducted along all trails in the three forest reserves. The samples were preserved, dried, and identified to the species level. Additional data were obtained from specimens stored at the Herbarium of the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (KEP). The results of the study identified 14 species from seven genera of dipterocarps in the three forest reserves. All 14 species were recorded in both HSPU and HSPS, while only 11 species were recorded in HSSP. Two species endemic to Peninsular Malaysia were also noted in this study: Dipterocarpus perakensis and Shorea lumutensis. This study contributes data on the species composition of dipterocarps in coastal hill forests in the state of Perak and Peninsular Malaysia.