A Preliminary Study of BNT-BT Ceramics Prepared by Solid State Reaction
BNT-BT, calcination, morphology, solid state reactionAbstract
In this work, the lead-free ceramics of Bismuth Sodium Titanate-Barium Titanate (BNT-BT) were successfully prepared by solid state reaction. Both compounds were separately milled in a conventional ball milling and subsequently, calcined afterwards. Decomposition temperature was determined by TGA. It was found that the milled powders of BNT and BT were completely stable after 830 and 985oC, respectively. This indicates that the calcination temperature of each powder might be expected to be around at 950oC to form the single-phase formation of BNT and BT with better degree of crystallinity. It was then confirmed by the XRD patterns whereby the diffraction peaks were identified as the formation of single phase BNT and BT, respectively. The SEM images also showed that the calcined powders were formed in hardly agglomeration with micron size scale