Prototype Development of Final Year Project Management System to Monitor Student’s Performance
Final year project management system, Online system, DashboardAbstract
The university requires students to complete a comprehensive software development project in their final year of study in all Information Technology (IT) and Computer Science (CS) programmes, run by the Faculty of Computing & Multimedia (FCOM), Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia. As the number of students increases by semester, manual procedures for managing student projects become a major issue. Ineffective supervision and monitoring of student progress are more likely to occur as the number of students to supervise per lecturer also increase. This circumstance may contribute to an increase in the number of students who will fail to complete project development within the time frame specified. A log book is currently used to document meetings and discussions between supervisors and students. Although a detailed schedule has been proposed, a monitoring process that triggers specific actions to ensure all deadlines are met is required. The objective of this research is to improve project monitoring and supervision by developing a prototype of a web-based Final Year Project Management System (FYPMS). The initial prototype is built on the dashboard approach concept, where students can see their progress and lecturers can use this centralized system to monitor students' performance. This system’s users are divided into three groups: students, lecturers, and coordinators where they can communicate efficiently and effectively by using this system. By using the FYPMS, the faculty can look forward to better project management, improved supervision, fewer project delays, and a more efficient final year project process.