Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic Flow of Second Grade Nanofluid (Ag-Cu) with CPC Fractional Derivative
Free convection, second grade fluid, magnetic field, CPC fractional parameterAbstract
Unsteady magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) flow of fractionalized second grade nanofluid (Ag-Cu) over a vertical plate is obtained. The model is solved by using CPC fractional derivative. The novelty of present study is to generalized the model by using Fourier’s and Fick’s laws. The nanofluids are formed by dispersing two different nanoparticles, silver (Ag) and copper (Cu), into a based fluid. The governing dimensionless equations for velocity, concentration, and temperature profiles are solved using Laplace transform method and compared graphically. The effects of different parameters like fractional parameter, second grade parameter and magnetic parameter M are discussed through numerous graphs. From figures, it is observed that second grade and magnetic field have decreasing effect on velocity profile, whereas mass Grashof number have increasing effect on velocity of fluid.