Analysis of Resistance and Generated Wave around Semi SWATH Hull at Deep and Shallow Water
Semi-SWATH, fin stabilizers, computational fluid dynamics, resistance, wave patternAbstract
This paper presents the analysis on the resistance and generated wave around one of advance marine vehicle, Semi SWATH. In this work, the wave analysis is performed in deep and shallow water condition at the similar speed, 1.45 m/saccording to the validation of resistance result. The effect of fin stabilizer on the Semi SWATH generated wave is studied by performing three cases; barehull, hull with 0-degree fin angle and hull with 15-degree fin angle.The generated wave height and wave pattern have been analysed from CFD resultusing a CFD commercial software, ANSYS CFX and the result has been validated using model test result in Marine Technology Centre, UTM. The result describes the relationship between water depth and fin stabilizers effect on Semi SWATH resistance. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the fin stabilizers affect the generated wave pattern and increase the total resistance of the model hull in both deep and shallow water. The fins’ installation increases the total resistance up to 70.9% in deep water and 40.3% in shallow water by average. The wave pattern shows that the intensity of wave due to the fin stabilizeris minimized in shallow water condition.