Smart Herbs IoT


  • Diena Noviarini Department of Business Digital, Economy Faculty, 13390, Indonesia
  • Osly Usman Department of Business Digital, Economy Faculty,13390, Indonesia
  • Akhmad Yamani Department of Education, Ministry of Education, 13390, Indonesia



cloud computing, Collaborative, prototype, application, observations


This National Collaborative product program activity takes the form of utilizing the Internet of Things as the development of information technology with the concept of intelligent health care which is gradually becoming the latest information technology. This health care uses a series of information technologies as platforms, including the Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud computing and artificial intelligence to process and transform the plant-based health system so that the application is efficient and comfortable for users. The aim of introducing and familiarizing with the application of information technology using multiple devices such as smartphone devices and personal computers to farmers and herbal plant entrepreneurs, it is hoped that this can improve the conditions and capabilities of processing herbal plants into a profitable business in terms of costs and technological efficiency. The research instrument uses data from the Ministry of Health for statistical data and the sample used is the use of an application prototype. The Research Team has conducted preliminary observations and interviews regarding the need for information technology infrastructure to be implemented in Wanayasa Village, West Java Regency, West Java Province in order to improve the welfare of herbal plant entrepreneurs. The final results of the first year of research will be that training will be held regarding the application of herbal plant information system technology so that farmers and herbal plant entrepreneurs as well as consumers and partner teachers in the field of chemistry and health workers will be able to adapt models of scientific and technological progress into the work and business they undertake published in the indexed journal SINTA 1. In the second year an application prototype will be produced with publication in a Scopus indexed journal so that it will bring benefits, especially for improving the welfare of herbal plant entrepreneurs. 


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How to Cite

Noviarini, D., Usman, O., & Yamani, A. (2024). Smart Herbs IoT . Semarak International Journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 3(1), 1–6.


