Vol. 4 No. 1: December (2024)

Development and Validation of the IoT-FiER Instrument for Fire Emergency Response Management
Rabeah Md Zin, Adi Irfan Che Ani, Nur 'Amirah Mhd Noh, Mohd Asrul Hassin, Zainuddin Daud
Development and Validation of the IoT-FiER Instrument for Fire Emergency Response Management
Rabeah Md Zin, Adi Irfan Che Ani, Nur 'Amirah Mhd Noh, Mohd Asrul Hassin, Zainuddin Daud
The Semarak International Journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology (SIJASET) is a gold open-access, double-blind refereed academic journal with the aim to provide an international platform for academic research by publishing original articles in topics related to the fields of applied sciences, engineering and technology. Scope of the journal includes fields in biology, chemistry, physics, environmental, medical and health science, mathematics and statistics, geology, engineering, computer science, natural and technological sciences, medicine, as well as other related areas.
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Malaysia, Indonesia