Low GWP Refrigerant R1234yf, R1234ze(z), R13I1 as an Alternative to New Zeotropic Refrigerant
R1234yf, R1234ze(z), R13I1Abstract
This study will present R13I1 or trifluoroiodomethane as a CFCs refrigerant, the chemical formula is CF3I. R13I1 is a halocarbon agent used in fire extinguishing agents same as R227ea. R13I1 has a GWP of 1, a boiling point of -21.9, a critical temperature of 123.3 °C and a critical pressure of 3950kPa. It can be seen that it is a refrigerant with properties similar to R134a. R1234yf and R1234ze(z) therefore can be mixed with HFCs. The result the national institute of standards and technology (NIST) reference fluid thermodynamic and transport properties database (REFPROP) software and NIST vapor compression cycle model accounting for refrigerant thermodynamic and transport properties (CYCLE_D-HX) software as CAN/ANSI/AHRI540 standards of the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) show that R13I1 has cooling coefficient of performance of 1.49, 2.43 and 2.79 kJ/kg which are lower than of R13I1 10.33% 8.13% and 9.40% for LT, MT and HT conditions as a result of low evaporator pressure, condenser pressure and refrigerant work .R13I1 which is a refrigerant that is mixed in low-GWP and low-GWP HFCs, as well as providing good energy efficiency zeotropic blends.