Implementation and Investigation of Improved 1×4 Linear Antenna Array Parameters Utilizing Parasite-Like Element Directors for LTE Applications
Patch antenna, arrays, antenna parameters, director, gain improvementAbstract
This paper presents an implemented analysis of an improved rectangular 1x4 microstrip patch antenna array parameters utilizing parasite-like element directors. The proposed antenna array design methodology based on Yagi antenna theory. Three identical directors was loaded the proposed array to improve antenna array parameters such as maximum radiated power intensity (UMax), directivity (D), gain (G), radiated power (Prad) and the radiation efficiency (e0) while maintaining return loss (RL) and bandwidth (BW) at 2.4 GHz. The calculations and outcomes show how employing directors can enhance the proposed antenna parameters of microstrip antenna array. For an antenna array loaded with directors, UMax= 0.47 W/Str., D= 6.581 dB, G=6.073 dB, e0 =92 % and Prad= 0.9 W for one watt input power (Pin) were reported. The antenna's UMax, D, G, e0and Prad. improvement percentage compared with the array without directors reaches to(6, 80, 75.32 and 10) % respectively using three identical directors for the current mobile communication technology, known as Long Term Evolution (LTE) applications.