Vehicle Tracking System Based on Internet of Things Utilizing TTGO T-CALL ESP32 SIM800l
GPS module, TTGO T-CALL ESP32 SIM800l, Internet of Things, latitude, longitudeAbstract
Nowadays, cases of stolen vehicles are increasing rapidly, particularly in urban areas. The stolen vehicle is difficult for the owner to trace since the GPS system is rarely used due to its expensive cost. Thus, the purpose of this research is to analyze the accuracy of the real-time monitoring provided by the Blynk application using information obtained from GPS modules and to design a simple and compact smart vehicle monitoring anti-theft system utilizing the TTGO T-CALL ESP32 SIM800l with the Blynk application. Next, a tracking system is configured and developed by utilizing the Arduino IDE software to flash the code into the microcontroller and the Internet of Things platform as the connectivity to the Blynk App. Furthermore, the usability and functionality of the Global Positioning System (GPS) and TTGO T-CALL ESP32 SIM800l are essential in determining the vehicle's location. The use of TTGO T-CALL ESP32 SIM800l is to make the device more compact than previous research. The data has been obtained using a comparison of two microcontrollers; TTGO T-Call ESP32 SIM800l and the Arduino Mega connected to the GSM SIM800l. The data will be analyzed under two different parameters; the accuracy of altitude and speed. It can be seen that the TTGO T-Call ESP32 SIM800l has a lower percentage of latitude and longitude errors. It also has great performance in terms of speed accuracy, which is 88.5%.