Analysis of the Need for Information Systems for Early Childhood Education Services in Play Group during the Covid19 Pandemic
Information Systems, Early Childhood Education Services, Play Group, Covid-19 PandemicAbstract
Early childhood education services in play groups during the COVID-19 pandemic have changed. This change includes various services such as administration, acceptance of new students to the face-to-face teaching and learning process and remote meetings. This is certainly not easy if the group knows how the need for an information system is. The need for this information system aims to provide convenience from various fields of education, especially early childhood education in play groups. In this study, we will discuss the analysis of information system requirements using the value chain analysis method. The analysis uses the value chain in five main activities and four supporting activities. These activities will discuss the needs of early childhood education information systems in play groups which consist of management and implementation of activities, financing, educators and education, blinding of information systems in particular, the use of technology to be used, and how the use of this information system will be used in understand the internal and external parties that will be related to the management of facilities and infrastructure. The results of this value chain analysis will be used as a guide in determining the information system needs by adjusting the early childhood education services in the play group by adjusting the level of management owned by each play group.