Negawatt-Driven Sustainable Energy Management Based-on Nanomaterial-Enhanced Batteries
Economic cost, Energy management, Environmental cost, Microgrid, Microgrid Central Controller (MGCC), Nanomaterial-enhanced batteries, Negawatt Energy (NE), Renewable energy sourcesAbstract
With the dramatic increase of energy demand around the world, it has become a necessity to monitor and optimize energy consumption to conserve its use and decrease carbon emissions. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of MicroGrids (MGs) that encompass a diverse array of energy sources, including renewable energy, Diesel Generators (DGs), and Battery Storage Systems (BSS). In this study, critical constraints are addressed such as distributed generator limits and grid power exchange. Moreover, the potential integration of nanomaterials within BSS to enhance energy efficiency and achieve Negawatt energy are explored. The main objectives are to evaluate the performance of various energy system configurations, with a specific focus on nanomaterial-enhanced batteries, and identify the optimal strategy to minimize operating costs while maximizing Negawatt energy production. By considering technical, economic, and environmental factors, this research aims to provide valuable insights into sustainable and efficient Microgrid solutions for future energy management.