Hybrid Siting and Sizing of Distributed Generators and Shunt Capacitors with System Reconfiguration using Wild Horse Optimizer
Network reconfiguration, Distributed generators, Shunt capacitors, Single-objective function, Multi-objective function, Meta-heuristic technique, Wild horse optimizer, Standard radial distribution system, Power losses, Voltage profile, Voltage deviation index, Voltage stability indexAbstract
Injection of Distributed generators (DGS) and Shunt capacitors (SCS) simultaneously with system reconfiguration significantly promotes smart grid performance. In addition, system reconfiguration increases the injected distributed generation capacity in the system. This work proposes a wild horse optimizer (WHO) for the optimal siting and sizing of DGS and SCS in parallel with network reconfiguration. The proposed method aims to attain single and multi-objectives: minimizing active power loss, maximizing voltage stability index (VSI), and minimizing voltage deviation index (VDI). Five operational cases are introduced to elucidate the superior performance of the proposed method. The five cases are executed on IEEE 33-bus standard radial distribution test system. The single-objective function results are compared with other optimization algorithms. The simulation results belay that the proposed WHO optimizer has the best results for unfixed DGS and SCS locations.