Mitigation of Grid Current Harmonics by ABC- ANN based Shunt Active Power Filter
Tuning the ANN-Controller, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm, PSO Technique, DE algorithm, PI tuning, SAPF, Total Harmonic Distortion(THD)Abstract
Harmonics are being introduced into power system networks as a result of the increasing use of nonlinear devices. These harmonics cause distortion of current and voltage signals, which in turn causes damage to power distribution systems. As a result, the suppression of harmonics is of extreme significance in power systems. This paper proposes Shunt Active Power Filters (SAPF) based on neural network algorithms like Artificial Neural Network (ANN) as a feasible approach to mitigating harmonic distortion and raising power quality in electrical distribution systems. This research shows that using shunt active power filters (SAPF), which use the Artificial Bee Colony Optimized Artificial Neural Network Controller (ABC-ANN), is an efficient method for enhancing power quality and minimizing harmonic distortion in distribution systems. The ABC-ANN algorithms have been produced for SAPF with the goal of improving system performance by reducing Grid current Harmonics .In the first stage of this work, PSO Technique is used to tune a standard PI controller to its optimum gain values (Ki ,Kp). Then, these target and input data of PSO tuned PI controller will be supplying inputs to the ANN controller. To find the optimal weight and bias values, this ANN controller has been tuned with the help of the ABC algorithm. Using MATLAB/SIMULINK software, we compare the performance of the proposed algorithm to that of other optimization algorithm like Differential Evaluation (DE) algorithm, as well as the PSO tuned PI controller and traditional PI controller. The findings from the simulation suggest that a SAPF utilizing an ABC trained ANN controller could improve THD in the supplying current while maintaining harmonics within IEEE-519 accepting levels.