Hybrid One-Cycle-PI Control Algorithm for Shunt Active Power Filter in Mitigating Harmonic Currents
Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF), One-Cycle Control (OCC), Hybrid One-Cycle-PI Control (HOCPIC), Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)Abstract
The quality of current waveforms, such as the presence of the harmonic components at the point of common coupling of various consumers, deteriorated due to the nonlinear load applications. Hence, a Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) is used to mitigate harmonic pollution in an electrical network. The heart of the SAPF operation is the current control technique. The choice of current control techniques significantly impacts the SAPF performance. As a result, a Hybrid One-Cycle-PI Control (HOCPIC) is proposed to work as a single-phase SAPF's current controller. The HOCPIC utilises a Proportional-Integral (PI) controller to minimise the error signal. As a result, the THD value of the supply current is reduced to 3.20% using the SAPF-based HOCPIC compared to 3.99% when using the SAPF-based OCC. The result proves that the SAPF-based HOCPIC performs better in compensating harmonic currents than the SAPF-based OCC.