An Integrated Platform Using VR to Visualise and Analyse Road Traffic Conditions


  • Bruno Oliveira School of Information Technology Murdoch University Perth, Australia
  • Mohd Fairuz Shiratuddin School of Information Technology Murdoch University Perth, Australia
  • Wong Kok Wai School of Information Technology Murdoch University Perth, Australia
  • Shri Rai School of Information Technology Murdoch University



abnormal, machine learning, road traffic conditions, virtual reality


The main contribution of this paper is to introduce a framework for integrating Machine Learning (ML), Human, and Virtual Reality (VR) into one platform to promote a collaborative visualisation environment that can assist in better analysis and improve the human-machine teaming capability. This platform was demonstrated using a case study in ana-lysing road traffic conditions. The ‘Ab-normal Machine Learning Road Traffic Detection in VR (AbnMLRTD-VR)’ prototype system was developed to assist the human analyst. The proposed system has two main integrative components: a data-driven ML model and a 3D real-time visualisation in a VR environment. An unsupervised ML model was built using real traffic data. The AbnMLRTD-VR system highlights the outliers in the road sections in actual road contexts of a road traffic network. This gives the human analyst a 3D real-time immersive visualisation in a VR environment to evaluate road conditions. The AbnMLRTD-VR system demonstrated that it could help minimise the need for human pre-labelling of the data. It enables the visualisation of the road traffic conditions more meaningfully and to understand the context of the road traffic conditions of road sections at any given time.


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Author Biographies

Bruno Oliveira, School of Information Technology Murdoch University Perth, Australia

Mohd Fairuz Shiratuddin , School of Information Technology Murdoch University Perth, Australia

Wong Kok Wai , School of Information Technology Murdoch University Perth, Australia

Shri Rai , School of Information Technology Murdoch University




How to Cite

Oliveira, B. ., Shiratuddin , M. F. ., Kok Wai , W. ., & Rai , S. . (2024). An Integrated Platform Using VR to Visualise and Analyse Road Traffic Conditions . Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 49(2), 176–186.


