About the Journal

This journal welcomes high-quality original contributions on experimental, computational, applied mathematics and physical aspects of fluid mechanics and thermal sciences relevant to engineering or the environment, multiphase and microscale flows, microscale electronic and mechanical systems; medical and biological systems; and thermal and flow control in both the internal and external environment.


Join us at the 9th International Symposium on Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences (9th-ISFMTS2025), hosted by Semarak Ilmu Sdn. Bhd., on 16th April 2025 at the Everly Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia. […] Find out more Join us virtually for the Semarak International Research Innovation Symposium IV (SIRIS IV), hosted by Semarak Ilmu Sdn. Bhd., on 30th April 2025. This exciting event will bring together [...] Find out more The primary aim of this conference is to establish itself as the premier annual gathering in the dynamic realms of Applied Science and Engineering, Advanced Technology, Applied Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, […] Find out more


Water Transport Properties of Bio-Nanocomposites Reinforced by Sugar Palm (Arenga Pinnata) Nanofibrillated Cellulose
Ilyas, R.A., Sapuan, S.M., Ishak, M.R., Zainudin, E.S.

Slip Effects on Peristaltic Transport of Casson Fluid in an Inclined Elastic Tube with Porous Walls
Gudekote, M., Choudhari, R.

Analysis of MHD Jeffery Hamel Flow with Suction/Injection by Homotopy Analysis Method
Hamrelaine, S., Mebarek-Oudina, F., Sari, M.R.

Current Issue

Vol. 127 No. 1: March (2025)
					View Vol. 127 No. 1: March (2025)


Cyclic Effect on Highly Thermal Hybrid Nano-Graphene Conductive Ink

Norida Mohammad Noor, Mohd Azli Salim, Nor Azmmi Masripan, Chonlatee Photong, Chew Kit Wayne, Alan Watson

Published: 2025-02-18


  • Analysis of Temperature and Relative Humidity Distributions in a Dental Treatment Room at a Government Health Clinic in Malaysia

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    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.127.1.119
  • Taylor’s Dispersion Approach for Modelling Contaminated Solute Transport in Soil Through Two Immiscible Fluids

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  • Effect of MgCl2 on the Dehydrogenation Properties of NaAIH4 for Solid State Hydrogen Storage

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  • Brightening the Future: Harnessing Nature’s Colours for Sustainable Solar Cells

    Azhar Mohd Sinin, Ding Wei Qi, Hasiah Salleh, Mimi Syazwani Suhaimi, Muhammad Mujaddid Mohd Zafri, Salmah Mohd Ghazali, Nur Salihah Alias, Aripin Triyanto
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  • Cyclic Effect on Highly Thermal Hybrid Nano-Graphene Conductive Ink

    Norida Mohammad Noor, Mohd Azli Salim, Nor Azmmi Masripan, Chonlatee Photong, Chew Kit Wayne, Alan Watson
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