Numerical Analysis of the Thermo-Convective Behaviour of an Al2O3-H2O Nanofluid Flow inside a Channel with Trapezoidal Corrugations
Nanofluids, Channel, Trapezoidal corrugations, Heat transferAbstract
In this present article, a study of the dynamic and thermal behavior of the Al2O3-water nanofluid flow through a channel provided with trapezoidal undulations, under the action of a constant heat flux. To do this, the effect of various volume fractions (0-4%) and that of the nanoparticle diameter (30, 40, 60 nm) on the heat transfer and pressure drop within the channel was analyzed, for a range of Reynolds numbers between 100 to 1000. The equations governing the fluid flow, namely the equations of continuity, momentum and energy were integrated and discretized based on the finite volume method (FVM). The obtained results indicated that using nanofluids with a high-volume fraction and a small nanoparticle diameter makes it possible to improve the performance of the system in terms of heat transfer, pressure drop and friction factor.