Study on Performance Improvement of the Savonius Wind Turbine for Urban Power System with Omni-directional Guide Vane (ODGV)
VAWT, Savonius wind turbine, Urban area, ODGVAbstract
The performance of a Savoniuswind turbine was studiedforurban power systemapplication. Theaim of the study wastoanalyzethe effect of Omni-Directional Guide Vane (ODGV) on rotor performance. The wind tunnel experiment hadbeen carried out on a Savonius rotor model. The ODGV was placedaround the Savonius rotor in order to increase the ambientwind velocity tothe wind turbine. The tests were performedat a different ODGV slope angle and incoming wind direction. The maximum power coefficient (Cpmax) obtainedwas0.125 at 60o wind direction. Themaximum power coefficient of a Savoniuswind turbine with ODGV was 21.46% higher thanthe Savonius wind turbine without ODGV. Theresult showed that the ODGV had thepotentialtoincrease the performance of the Savonius wind turbine.