A Validation Study of the Aerodynamic Behaviour of a Wind Turbine: Three-Dimensional Rotational Case


  • Khaoula Qaissi Université Internationale de Rabat, School of aerospace and automotive engineering, LERMA Lab, Campus UIR Parc Technopolis, Rocade, Rabat-Sale, 11100 - Sala Al Jadida, Maroc, Morocco
  • Omer Elsayed Université Internationale de Rabat, School of aerospace and automotive engineering, LERMA Lab, Campus UIR Parc Technopolis, Rocade, Rabat-Sale, 11100 - Sala Al Jadida, Maroc, Morocco
  • Mustapha Faqir Université Internationale de Rabat, School of aerospace and automotive engineering, LERMA Lab, Campus UIR Parc Technopolis, Rocade, Rabat-Sale, 11100 - Sala Al Jadida, Maroc, Morocco
  • Elhachmi Essadiqi Université Internationale de Rabat, School of aerospace and automotive engineering, LERMA Lab, Campus UIR Parc Technopolis, Rocade, Rabat-Sale, 11100 - Sala Al Jadida, Maroc, Morocco




NREL phase VI, wind turbine, CFD, K-omega SST, Flow Separation


Numerical modelling and simulation of a rotating, tapered, and twisted three-dimensional blade with turbulent inflow conditions and separating flows is a challenging case in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The numerical simulation of the fluid flow behaviour over a wind turbine blade is important for the design of efficient machines. This paper presents a numerical validation study using the experimental data collected by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). All the simulations are performed on the sequence S of the extensive experimental sequences conducted at the NASA/Ames wind tunnel with constant RPM and variable wind speeds. The results show close agreement with the NREL UAE experimental data. The CFD model captures closely the totality of the defining quantities. The shaft torque is well-predicted pre-stall but under-predicted in the stall region. The three-dimensional flow and stall are well captured and demonstrated in this paper. Results show attached flow in the pre-stall region. The separation appears at a wind speed of 10 m/s near the blade root. For V>10m/s, the blade appears to experience a deep stall from root to tip.


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