Landslide Detection Using Analysed UAV Imagery
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Digital Surface Model (DSM), Geographical Information System (GIS)Abstract
Landslide is one of the disasters that often occur in Malaysia. It causes thousands of injuries and death records. Plus, a lot of money has been spent on search and rescue purposes and upgrading utilities to prevent landslide occurrence. Malaysia’s climate, categorized as equatorial, is hot and humid throughout the year. Malaysia has been exposed to an average rainfall of 250cm in a year as rainfall has been the main contributor to landslide occurrence. Thus, an early warning system can be convenient to reduce the hazard risk. This research used Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones embedded with RGB cameras to capture data. UAVs or drone is a part of technology revolutionary. The UAV has been widely used in different industries including agriculture, mining, land surveyor, and search and rescue. With the UAV capability, in this research, the UAV is used to measure the slope of the earth by capturing orthomosaic data and will be required to process using Geographical Information System (GIS) software to gain access to other data such as imaging data and digital surface model (DSM). With the capability of Pix4D software, the imaging data such as thermal and spectral imaging can be generated. The data will be compared with rainfall data from Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia to compare the effect of rainfall on slope conditions. The data for the result will be a great contribution to the early warning system as it contributes towards the accuracy of landslide prediction based on the volume of rainfall.