An Innovative and Secured Framework for DICOM Into EJPEG Conversion
DICOM, JPEG, Python, RSA, triple DESAbstract
The standard file format of digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) is typically used for medical imaging. These are not directly viewable by the built-in image viewer of most Operating Systems (OSs) and require additional software support for visualization. At the same time, DICOM images contain sensitive additional information related to the patient’s condition, which is confidential. That is why working with DICOM images imposes additional challenges. An innovative framework has been proposed in this paper that effortlessly converts the DICOM into an Encrypted Joint Photographic Experts Group (EJPEG) format. Viewers with the decryption key can view this image without the support of additional software. This effective framework ensures medical image confidentiality, improves viewability, and optimizes disk storage. The proposed framework takes less than 0.5 seconds on average to encrypt and decrypt the image. As a result, the users experience no conversion downtime. This innovative and effective framework betters the user’s experience with DICOM images while ensuring the confidentiality of the medical images. It is a potential solution to the rising concern of confidentiality in feature engineering for machine learning.