Chemical Reaction and Thermal Radiation Effects on MHD Casson and Maxwell Nanofluid Flow over a Porous Stretching Surface
MHD, Casson and Maxwell fluid, skin-friction, heat and mass transferAbstract
The focus of this article is on two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic Casson and Maxwell nanofluid flows on a porous stretched surface, considering the effects of chemical reactions and thermal radiation. For this problem, convective boundary conditions are assumed. By using similarity transformations, the governing partial differential equations of the issue were converted into ordinary differential equations with the help of the similarity transformation, which were then theoretically solved using the Runge-Kutta Fehlberg method and the shooting approach. Plots are used to show how relevant characteristics, such as heat radiation, porosity, and magnetic parameter, have an impact. It is seen that the velocity profiles decrease as the magnetic field increases. Furthermore, the local Sherwood number and the local Nusselt number decrease as the velocity slip parameter rises. The results of this study were compared with the previously published works under some restrictions, and they are found in excellent agreement.