Mathematical Model Represents the Effect of Flexible Endoscopy on Suspension Fluid Flow
Peristaltic, suspension, annular tube, flexible endoscopy, pressure drop, frictional forceAbstract
In this manuscript, peristaltic transport induced by a sinusoidal traveling wave in the case for a viscous incompressible Newtonian fluid mixed with rigid spherical particles in the presence of a flexible inner tube, where the inner tube is also moving with a sinusoidal traveling wave of moderate amplitude is studied. The governing equations of the mixture (fluid-particle suspension) are written in two-dimensional cylindrical coordinates. The long-wavelength approximation is used to simplify the system of equations (d<<1). The velocities distribution for both fluid and particles are obtained and evaluated numerically with discussion for special cases. The flow rate, pressure drop, friction forces and shear stress at the outer and inner walls of tubes are derived and represented graphically. In the urinary system, peristalsis is due to involuntary muscular contractions of the ureter wall which drives urine from the kidneys to the bladder through the ureters. A mathematical analysis of peristaltic flow with application to the ureter in presence of flexible endoscopy (Peristaltic Endoscope) is taken as a real application in this study. Finally, conclusions of the research and recommendations for future work are discussed. The results obtained may be relevant to the transport of other physiological fluids and industrial applications in which peristaltic pumping is used.