A Model on Free Convective Casson Fluid Flow Past a Permeable Vertical Plate with Gyrotactic Microorganisms
Gyrotactic microogranisms, Casson fluid, Soret-Dufour, spectral relaxation technique, free convectiveAbstract
This study focused on free convective MHD Casson fluid flow past a permeable vertical plate with microorganisms and Soret-Dufour mechanisms. The physical model is governed by system of partial differential equations (PDEs). The set of PDEs were overhaul into a nonlinear ordinary differential equation by considering acceptable similarity variable. The spectral relaxation method (SRM) was utilized to obtain solution to the overhaul nonlinear ordinary differential equations. This study examined critically the significant of the Gyrotactic microorganisms on Casson fluid locomotion Also, the significance of parameters such as thermal radiation, Soret-Dufour mechanisms, Brownian motion, Joule heating and so on are examined on velocity, concentration, motile microorganism and temperature profiles. The Casson parameter was found to intensify the velocity contour and the hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness. A higher magnetic parameter gives rise to Lorentz force which declines the motion of the fluid. There is higher temperature within the boundary layer because of the presence of thermal radiation.