Vol. 116 No. 1: April (2024)

					View Vol. 116 No. 1: April (2024)
Published: 2024-04-15


  • Experimental Investigation on the Aerodynamic Parameters of Trailing Edge Wake Generators

    Mohamed Ibren, Waqar Asrar, Muhammad Ariffuddin Ismail, Amelda Dianne Andan
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.116
  • Thermoacoustic Cooler with Different Waveform Excitations and the Noise Control Test

    Chau Jing Bing, Fatimah Al-Zahrah Mohd Sa'at, Rais Haqim Rosle, Fadhilah Shikh Anuar, Mohd Fariz Mohd Nor, Ernie Mat Tokit, Patcharin Saechan
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.1726
  • Investigation of the Effect of Different Fins Configurations on the Thermal Performance of the Radiator

    Amol Dhumal, Nitin Ambhore, Sandeep Kore, Aditya Naik, Vasant Phirke, Kiran Ghuge
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.2739
  • An Experimental Study of the Transfer of Heat in Nanofluid of a Tiny-Channel using Several Innovative Arrangement Designs

    Ameer Abed Jaddoa, Mahmoud Mustafa Mahdi, Hussain Saad Abd, Jafaar Mohamme Daif
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.4063
  • Eyring-Powell Fluid Flow Past a Shrinking Sheet: Effect of Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and Joule Heating

    Iskandar Waini, Anuar Ishak, Ioan Pop
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.6477
  • A Numerical Investigation of the MHD Ternary Hybrid Nanofluid (Cu-Al2O3-TiO2/H2O) Past a Vertically Stretching Cylinder in a Porous Medium with Thermal Stratification

    Rupam Shankar Nath, Rudra Kanta Deka
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.7896
  • Squeezing MHD Flow of Sodium Alginate-Based Casson Hybrid Nanofluid with Soret and Dufour Effects

    Nur Azlina Mat Noor, Shafaruniza Mahadi, Nur Syahidah Nordin, Masyfu'ah Mokhtar, Norazam Arbin, Sharidan Shafie, Mohd Ariff Admon, Lim Yeou Jiann
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.97115
  • Exploring the Impact of Diverse Cooling Duct Configurations on Photovoltaic Panel Performance

    Mohammad N. Alqahtani, Hashem F. Shatnawi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.116129
  • Water-in-Biodiesel Emulsion with Hydroxy (HHO) Gas Fuel Enrichment for Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine Application

    Wan Nur Izzati Wan Mahdi, Ahmad Muhsin Ithnin, Wira Jazair Yahya, Muhammad Izwan Wan Khairuzzaman, Muhammad Adib Abdul Rashid
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.130138
  • The Influence of Window-to-Wall Ratio (WWR) on Airflow Profile for Improved Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in a Naturally-Ventilated Workshop in a Hot-Humid Climate

    Tiew Soo Wei, Muhammad Hafeez Abdul Nasir, Ahmad Sanusi Hassan, Hazril Sherney Basher, Mohd Nasrun Mohd Nawi, Tajudeen Dele Mustapha
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.139157
  • Study to Establish the Relationship between Fuel Injection Parameters and Exhaust Emission Content of Fishing Vessels’ Diesel Engines to Diagnose the Technical State

    Mai Duc Nghia, Ho Duc Tuan
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.158169
  • Experimental Study of Hybrid Photovoltaic (PV/T) Thermal Solar Collector with Air Cooling for Domestic Use: A Thermal and Electrical Performances Evaluation

    Saadi Zine, Boukhlef Djedjiga, Salem Fethya, Lachtar Salah, Bouraoui Ahmed
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.170183
  • Magneto Hydrodynamic Effects on Unsteady Free Convection Casson Fluid Flow Past on Parabolic Accelerated Vertical Plate with Thermal Diffusion

    Ganesan Radha, Ayothi Selvaraj, Soundararajan Bhavani, Periasamy Selvaraju
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.184200
  • Suggestion of Correlations to Obtain Shell and Tube Side Nusselt Numbers in Coiled Heat Exchangers

    Magar Susheel Madhavrao, Gugliani Gaurav Kumar, Navthar Ravindra Rambhau
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.201222
  • Investigation of Thermal Similarity and Performances of Solar Thermal Air Collector with Heat-Soaked Vehicle Cabin

    Adel Abulgasm Lahimer, Amir Abdul Razak, Kamaruzzaman Sopian
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.116.1.223241