Study on the Effects of Rotational and Transverse Speed on Temperature Distribution through Friction Stir Welding of AA2024-T3 Aluminium Alloy
Friction stirs welding , Temperature distribution , Numerical, SimulationAbstract
A nonlinear three-dimensional thermal process was studied experimentally and numerically. The present study aims to investigate the distribution of temperature in the joint of aluminumAA2024-T3 plates throughout the friction stirred butt. The experimentswereconducted at a constant tool tilted angle of 3o under various rotational speeds (690, 1130, 2000 rpm) and feed rates(20, 32, 45 mm/min). The highest temperature of 860 K was obtained at the experimental condition of 2000 rpm, 20 mm/min, 20 dwell times,and 3tilt angle. This value was less than the melting point temperature of Al 2024 alloy (911K). The comparison between the numerical and experimental results of temperature distribution showed a good agreement. The deviation between the theoretical and experimental results for the maximum and minimum rotational speed and feedrate was(7, 10 %)and (5, 12 %),respectively.