Effects of A Pyramidal Pin Fins on CPU Heat Sink Performances
Pin fin, Heat transfer, Heat sink, Pyramid, Thermal resistanceAbstract
The present investigation is carried out to analyze the forced convection heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics in a pin fin heat sink (PFHS). A new pins design has been proposed, which consists of a pyramid pin fins form characterized by a parameter named the ratio of pyramid (ROP), varies from 0 to 1 with a step of 0.2. A three other configurations (cylindrical, rectangular and square) are well carried out to validate the new design. The investigations are achieved using COMSOLMultiphysics 5.4 software based on the governorate finite element method for a Reynolds number ranging from 8547 to 21367. Some numerical results are validated with existing experimental data and a satisfactory agreement is found. The numerical results show the important role of the pyramid pin fins shape in the hydro-thermal performance enhancement, where the case of ROP = 1 (rectangular pin)ensures highest hydro thermal performance factor (HTPF) of 2,1, which it merits to considered in the PFHS sdesign.