Conductance Study on The Effect of Torsion of Drilling Pipe on The Inside Pattern Fluid Flow
Torsion, Drilling Pipe, Pattern FlowAbstract
The drilling pipe with convoyed water is commonly concentrated in the present day due to the internal and external complex forces exposed to it. Pumping fluid pressure, hydrostatic head and torsion forces are classified as internal forces, while the drilling wall of the pipe and the total deformation caused by these exposed forces are external forces. In this study, the total deformation generated was analysed. Two cases were examined as a standard operating Craft and Graves [1]. The drilling pipe is made of steel with dimensions length (1.5 m); outer diameter (4 in or 101.6 mm) and inner diameter (3.34 in or 84.836 mm). The parameters were modelled by using (INVENTOR PROF 2016 and ANSYS, V. 16.1 software). The results obtained showed that increasing the twisting force on the drilling pipe walls leads to increment in the radial water flow displacement.