Numerical Simulation of a Propeller-Type Turbine for In-Pipe Installation
In-pipe turbines, Propeller, Savonius, Pico-hydropower, Numerical simulation, Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFDAbstract
In this work, a 76 mm diameter propeller-type turbine is numerically investigated using a parametric study and computational fluid dynamics. The three-dimensional model of the turbine is modeled using data available in the bibliography. A mesh independence study is carried out utilizing a tetrahedron-based mesh with inflation layers around the turbine blade and the pipe wall. The best efficiency point is determined by the maximum hydraulic efficiency of 64.46 %, at a flow rate of 9.72x10-3 m3/s , a head drop of 1.76 m, and a mechanical power of 107.83 W. Additionally, the dimensionless distance y+, pressure, and velocity contours are shown.