Performance Improvement of a Savonius Wind Turbine using Wavy Concave Blades


  • Mohanad Al-Ghriybah Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Isra University, Amman, Jordan
  • Djamal Hissein Didane Center for Energy and Industrial Environment Studies, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia



Savonius, VAWT, blade profile, CFD, Wavy rotor


As the best replacement for fossil fuels, green energy resources have established their significance on a worldwide basis. The availability of wind energy makes it the best promising form of green energy. For transforming wind kinetic energy into mechanical energy at low wind speeds, the Savonius wind rotor is regarded as the best choice. The main goal of the current study is to improve the power coefficient (Cp) and torque coefficient (Ct) of the Conventional Savonius wind turbine (SWT) by modifying the inner surface of the blade using a wavy profile. The aerodynamic performance of the wavy turbine is then compared with the conventional turbine in terms of Cp and Ct. The study is conducted using numerical simulation with the assistance of the ANSYS software. The flow characteristics around the turbines are solved utilizing the SST k-ω turbulence model. The simulation outcomes confirmed that the Cp of the wavy rotor increased by about 14.5% at a tip speed ratio of λ= 0.4. Additionally, outcomes showed the peak Cp is 0.18 at λ=0.7 which is 12.5% greater than the conventional SWT


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Author Biographies

Mohanad Al-Ghriybah, Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Isra University, Amman, Jordan

Djamal Hissein Didane, Center for Energy and Industrial Environment Studies, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia


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