Exploration of the Impacts of Hall Effect, Dufour Effect, and Heat Source on Parabolic Flow over an Infinite Vertical Plate in the Presence of Rotation, Chemical Reaction, and Radiation in a Porous Medium


  • LAKSHMIKAANTH D Department of Mathematics, Vels Institute of Science Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai-600117, India
  • A. Selvaraj Department of Mathematics, Vels Institute of Science Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai-600117, India
  • S. Bhavani Department of Mathematics, Rajalakshmi Engineering College , Chennai-602105,India




Incompressible, First order Chemical reaction, Diffusion Thermo (Dufour) Effect, Porosity, Inverse Laplace Transform Technique


The article focuses on the influence of Hall current, radiation, heat source, and Dufour effects on the unsteady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) natural convective parabolic flow over a vertical plate fixed within a porous medium. The study involves examining the heat transfer and substance accumulation dynamics when an incompressible fluid flows over a vertically oriented plate. The plate is uniformly heated and undergoes increased velocity due to rotational motion. The researcher applied the Laplace Method to find solutions for the relevant mathematical equations. In this analysis, specific parameters were considered, including Prandtl, Schmidt, Grashof values for heat transfer, and the Grashof value for substance accumulation. The results indicated that factors such as heat source, Hall current, permeability, and Grashof values lead to a corresponding increase in fluid velocity. Conversely, an increase in radiation levels is associated with a decrease in fluid velocity. Temperature, on the other hand, rises with a higher heat source and decreases with an increase in radiation levels.


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Author Biographies

LAKSHMIKAANTH D, Department of Mathematics, Vels Institute of Science Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai-600117, India


A. Selvaraj , Department of Mathematics, Vels Institute of Science Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai-600117, India


S. Bhavani, Department of Mathematics, Rajalakshmi Engineering College , Chennai-602105,India



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