Experimental Investigation of Magnetic Properties of β-SiC Nanoparticle at Room Temperature
Spintronics, nanoparticle, magnetic, point defect, β-Sic, semiconductor, dilute magnetic semiconductorAbstract
In this paper, magnetic properties of β-SiC nanoparticles have been studied. Results showed intrinsic at room temperature. The applied magnetic field observes a magnetization value of 50.972E-3 emu/g with remnant magnetization is 3E-3 emu/g. The measured value of coercivity found to be 89.068 G at squareness ratio is 0.043524. The room temperature ferromagnetic in β-SiC possibly originated from dangling effect vacancy of silicon and carbon with the nearest neighbour carbon atom have strong s-p hybridization. The result of this paper might indicate a promising pathway of developing a novel spintronics based β-SiC nanoparticle.