Factor Influencing the Adoption of Fintech in Investment among Malaysians: A Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Perspectives
Financial Technology (FinTech), investment, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Technology (UTAUT)Abstract
Technology has proven to be one of the stronger management and administration platforms for solving all of the conventional problems, including digital financial service management. Besides, it has proven to be the more potent distribution channel, not only for the movement of goods and services but also for digital investment. Nowadays, technology delved deep into the unicorns from the consumer’s Internet segment, which encompasses all business to customers’ Internet and Financial Technology companies. Both have emerged in banking, insurance/takaful, investment, asset management, and foreign exchange, among others, to track their activities in providing financial services. However, investment services also need to be given attention, especially when it comes to human intervention with the use of FinTech. The objective of this paper is to examine the influence of adoption factors for FinTech on investment. The objective will examine FinTech's potential in reducing costs, enhancing human resource efficiency, increasing customer satisfaction, and increasing investment returns. This study is based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) framework. This study helps participants in the future of the financial services industry leverage their organizational goals towards a hub of financial and non-financial digital ecosystems as technology advances. The comprehensive development of FinTech is essential to the investment management capabilities of all parties, such as value aggregators, advisors, and competitive access facilitators, in the increasingly challenging field of digital technologies. The combination of effective and systematic investment services could be combined with internal capabilities in FinTech across the investment landscape for external innovations, service providers, and advice facilitators.