Hydrodynamic and Thermodynamic Analysis of Ternary Hybrid Nanofluids Over a Rotating Disk: Exploring Fourier Heat and Mass Flux Effects
Thermal radiation, magnetic field, Christov heat flow, hybrid nanofluidAbstract
This study delves into the fascinating interplay of thermodynamic and hydrodynamic phenomena as a ternary hybrid nanofluid engages with a disk surface. It explores the intricate dance of heat and mass transfer, unravelling how these processes converge under the influence of Fourier heat flux to shape the system's behaviour. The research framework examined a detailed physical model incorporating flow configurations influenced by chemical reactions, an electric field, Joule heating, and radiative heat transfer. Governing the flow dynamics were partial differential equations (PDEs), which served as the foundation for modelling the phenomena. By employing similarity variables, the PDEs were transformed into a simplified system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), facilitating a more efficient analysis. The numerical resolution of these ODEs came to life through the synergy of the Runge-Kutta method and the shooting technique, opening a window into the intricate effects of critical flow parameters. Vivid graphical insights uncovered that as the magnetic parameter increased, the fluid's velocity took a dramatic plunge, a direct consequence of the Lorentz force wielded by the magnetic field. Additionally, enhancements in thermal radiation, Joule heating, and viscous dissipation were shown to markedly improve heat transfer within the system. These findings unravel the complex interplay within hybrid nanofluids, shedding light on how key parameters intricately shape and govern their overall dynamic behaviour.