Numerical Study on Eccentric and Concentric Vascular Grafts Prototypes
Coronary artery, Vascular Grafts, Wall Shear Stres, Carotid Artery BifurcationAbstract
The recent advances in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be useful in observing the detailed haemodynamics in Coronary bypass grafts for clinical evaluation and treatment. The present study focuses on analysing the effects of anastomotic angle in a small diameter vascular graft. The idea is to focus on the successful determinants of coronary artery bypass surgery such as fluid flow geometry and flow distribution in the neighbourhood area of anastomosis. An attempt has been made to simulate CABG using CFD. 3D concentric and eccentric stenosed coronary bypass graft models are generated in CATIA V5 R 19 and transient analysis was carried out in ANSYS CFX 14.5. Different graft angles such as 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° has been investigated to determine the optimum angle considering the change in haemodynamics. The obtained simulation results provided basic understanding of flow behavior in eccentric and concentric stenosed models for various graft angles. It also provided useful information on influence of angle on the flow behaviour and chose the optimum angle for graft placement.