Vol. 94 No. 1: June (2022)

					View Vol. 94 No. 1: June (2022)


An Experimental Study of Indoor Air Pollution in New Office Building
Nor Azirah Mohd Fohimi, Koay Mei Hyie, Salina Budin, Normariah Che Maideen, Nazri Kamsah, Haslinda Mohamed Kamar

Published: 2022-04-19


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  • Analysis of Wind Data Collected from 15 Stations in Thailand

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  • Emission Characteristics and Engine Performance from Castor Oil Methyl Ester Blends in Diesel Engine under Various Injection Pressures

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  • Thermal and Durability Properties of Sustainable Green Lightweight Foamed Concrete Incorporating Eco-Friendly Sugarcane Fibre

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  • Development of a Small-Scale Electricity Generation Plant Integrated on Biomass Carbonization: Thermodynamic and Thermal Operating Parameters Study

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  • Sensitivity Analysis of Bioethanol Simulation from Microalgae with Pressure Swing Distillation Process

    Bayu Triwibowo, Haniif Prasetiawan, Ratna Dewi Kusumaningtyas, Nadya Alfa Cahaya Imani, Achmad Chafidz, Muhammad Salman Alfarisi, Anwar Hasan Mujaddid
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  • Techno-Economic Analysis and Cost Benefits of Green Walls for Building in Extreme Climate. Case Study Southwest of Algeria

    Benoudjafer Ibtissam, Benoudjafer Imane, Laoufi Salima
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  • An Experimental Study of Indoor Air Pollution in New Office Building

    Nor Azirah Mohd Fohimi, Koay Mei Hyie, Salina Budin, Normariah Che Maideen, Nazri Kamsah, Haslinda Mohamed Kamar
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.94.1.120128
  • Experimental Study on the Effect of Boundary Layer Control on the Aerodynamics Characteristics of NACA 0021 Aerofoil

    Jaffar Syed Mohamed Ali, Mohd Farid Amran, Nurul Aziz Mohamad
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  • Rotor Power Optimization of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine from Variations in Airfoil Shape, Angle of Attack, and Wind Speed

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  • Biodiesel Production from used Cooking Oil using Integrated Double Column Reactive Distillation: Simulation Study

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  • Analysis of Inlet Temperature and Airflow Rate on Drying Process in a Spray Dryer Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Method

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  • Analysis of an Axial Permanent Magnetic Bearing for 1MW Horizontal Axis Wind

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  • Experimental Study of an Inclined Wick Solar Still Operating in Drop by Drop System under the Climatic Conditions of Hodna's Region, Algeria

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