Heat Transfer Performance of a SyntheticJet Generated by Diffuser-Shaped Orifice
Synthetic jet, diffuser-shape orifice , heat transfer , speaker actuatorAbstract
Synthetic jet impingement cooling has been identified to be an advanced cooling technique in a variety of applications such as turbine blade cooling, paper drying, and electronic cooling. The high heat removal capabilities with a simpleconstruction of the device, demonstrate the advantage of synthetic jet compared to other methods. In the presentwork, the 3D numerical simulation using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is carried out to predict the heat transfer performance of synthetic jet produced by speaker actuatorwith the diffuser-shapeorifice.Numerical predictions are made for an orificediameter of 6mm with several opening angles. The excitation frequency of the speakerdiaphragm isfixed at 100 Hz. Three vibration amplitude are used to investigate the effect ofthe differentvelocity of synthetic jet.The results showed that the opening angle of 90ois better than 45oand the heat transfer enhancement using a diffuser shaped orifice is more significant ata higher vibration amplitude. Also, the increment of vibration amplitude more than 0.6mm may not increase the cooling performance ofsynthetic jet.