Performance Analysis of PV/T-TEC Collector for the Tropical Climate Conditions of Indonesia
Photovoltaic, thermal, electrical, fins, TECAbstract
A photovoltaic (PV) collector converts sunlight directly into electrical energy about 20% while the rest is wasted as heat energy. This heat energy increases the operating temperature of the PV collector which has negative impacts on the semiconductor material and electricity production. Concerning the issue, the PV collector is then integrated by both the finned absorber and Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) modules which is known as a PV/T-TEC collector. This study aims to determine the performance of the PV/T-TEC collector based on the tropical climate condition in Bandarlampung, Indonesia (latitude 5°27΄S and longitude 105°16΄E). Furthermore, the finned absorber and TEC modules are attached underneath the PV collector surface to act as a heat sink. Air as a working fluid was specifically passed through the PV/T-TEC collector to absorb the unused waste heat. Thus, the irradiation level and air mass flow rate are varied in the range of 700-1000 W/m2 and 0.0075-0.075 kg/s, respectively. Based on data obtained from the experimental tests, the highest values of the thermal and electrical efficiency are found to be 26.3 % and 9.8 %, respectively. The temperature difference between the two sides of the TEC is found to be less than 2.2 oC and there is a 0.3% increase in the total electric power generated from the TEC modules which cover 12% of the PV collector surface.