MHD Viscous Incompressible Casson Fluid Flow with Hall Current
MHD flow, Free convection, EFDM, Stability analysis and Hall currentAbstract
An electrically conducting free convection and mass transfer viscous incompressible Casson fluid bounded by two parallel non-conducting plates have been investigated in the presence of hall current for two dimensional case. Initially the fluid motion is constant at the upper plate and the uniform magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the plate. The lower plate is stationary and the upper plate is moving. Explicit finite difference method (EFDM) has been used to solve the partial coupled non-linear momentum, energy and concentration equations. The stability conditions and convergence criteria of the finite difference scheme are established for finding the restriction of the values of various parameters to get converse solution. The influence of various interesting parameters on the flow has been analysed and discussed through graph in details. The values of Shear Stress, Nusselt number and Sherwood number for both moving and stationary plates for different physical parameters have been investigated in the form of graphical representation. For all cases, it is accomplished that, shear stress, Nusselt number and Sherwood numbers are increased with the increase of Soret number (Sr).