Acoustic Perturbation Toward Jet Flame – Variation of Flame Shapes Mode
Acoustic excitation, diffusion flame, jet flame, combustion instability, lift-off, jet branching, flame structure, flame behavior, flame length, flame shapeAbstract
Effect of acoustic excitation on jet diffusion flames caused by an energy transfer delivered by the source (speaker) to the receiver (jet flame) through a medium of air. Using the first law of thermodynamics, which is the expression of the conservation of energy principle. Energy cannot be created nor be destroyed during a process; it can only change from one form to another. From this principle, the energy transfer from the sound waves to the jet flames causing the flames to change in both macroscopics and microscopic. The macroscopic effects related to the motion and the flame of shapes cause by the acoustic disturbance. This paper shows the macroscopics effects can clearly been seen when the flame shapes start to split in two branches during the transfer of energy. This effects clearly correspond with the periodically changes of acoustic frequency. By using ImageJ, a Java-based image processing program to detailed out the changes of structure correspond by the increase of acoustic frequencies.