Ferrohydrodynamic on Heat Transfer in Hybrid Ferrofluid over an Elongation Sheet


  • Nur Ilyana Kamis Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Lim Yeou Jiann Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Sharidan Shafie Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Ahmad Qushairi Mohamad Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Noraihan Afiqah Rawi Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia




Magnetic dipole, hybrid ferrofluid, ferrohydrodynamics, Keller box method, elongation sheet


Advancing hybrid ferrofluids enhances biomedical engineering and leads to better treatments for cancer and other diseases. Due to their distinctive composition, they exhibit enhanced thermal conductivity, rendering them exceptionally efficient for hyperthermia therapies, which include eliminating the growth of cancer cells at increased temperatures. This study investigates the influence of magnetism on a hybrid ferrofluid flowing past an elongation sheet. The combination of magnetite ferrite-cobalt ferrite nanoparticles (Fe_3 O_4/CoFe_2 O_4) dispersed in a water-ethylene glycol mixture, in the presence of a magnetic dipole, is analysed. The governing equations of the hybrid ferrofluid are derived using Tiwari and Das's model. Subsequently, the similarity transformation approach is applied to simplify the partial governing equations and the Keller box method is employed to solve them. The numerical results of velocity and temperature distributions for pertinent parameters, such as ferrohydrodynamics (FHD) effect and concentrations of the nanoparticles, are graphically presented. The results indicate that the FHD impact diminishes the velocity profile, but enhances the temperature field of the hybrid ferrofluid flow. The shear stress is enhanced by 90.79% and the heat transfer rate is reduced by 12.12%. The presence of hybrid nanoparticles in the fluid not only enhances the temperature distribution but also suppresses the movement of the particles. These outcomes provide insights into the interplay between magnetic fields and heat transfer, relevant to magnetic hyperthermia cancer treatment.


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Author Biographies

Nur Ilyana Kamis, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia


Lim Yeou Jiann, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia


Sharidan Shafie, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia


Ahmad Qushairi Mohamad, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia


Noraihan Afiqah Rawi, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia



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