Numerical Model Parameters Impact on Savonius Wind Rotor Performance


  • Mariem Lajnef Laboratory of Electro-Mechanic Systems (LASEM), National School of Engineers of Sfax (ENIS), University of Sfax, B.P. 1173, km 3.5 Soukra, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia
  • Mabrouk Mosbahi University of Tunis, Higher National Engineering School of Tunis (ENSIT), Avenue Taha Hussein Montfleury, 1008, Tunisia
  • Zied Driss Laboratory of Electro-Mechanic Systems (LASEM), National School of Engineers of Sfax (ENIS), University of Sfax, B.P. 1173, km 3.5 Soukra, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia
  • Emanuele Amato University of Palermo, Department of Engineering, 90128, Italy
  • Tullio Tucciarelli University of Palermo, Department of Engineering, 90128, Italy
  • Marco Sinagra Sustainable Mobility center (Centro Nazionale per la Mobilita Sostenible-CNMS), Italy
  • Calogero Picone Sustainable Mobility center (Centro Nazionale per la Mobilita Sostenible-CNMS), Italy



Savonius wind rotor, numerical model, validation, torque coefficient, power coefficient


Global greenhouse gas emissions are mostly caused by the production of energy extracted from fossil fuels sources. Indeed, the use of renewable clean energy has become crucial to supply the world demand while protecting the planet. For many years, there has been a great deal of interest in wind energy because it is a clean, sustainable energy source. Because of its cheaper cost and independence from wind direction, the Savonius vertical axis wind rotor has the advantage of being suitable for certain implementations as an energy converter. Several studies have been carried out to increase its efficiency from this angle. This research work emphasizes on the Savonius wind rotor numerical model performances. The main goal is to explore the impact of setting the numerical model parameters on its aerodynamic and performance characteristics. Ansys Fluent software 17.0 was utilized to perform numerical simulations utilizing the unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) equations. The mesh sizing, the turbulence model as well as the time step parameters were investigated. The numerical model validation was realized through published experimental findings available in the literature for an inlet wind velocity of 6 ms-1. Good accordance was obtained. Thus the numerical model with the selected parameters was relevant for further investigations. For a tip speed ratio λ=0.64 it gave a torque and power coefficients equal to 0.328 and 0.2, respectively.


Author Biographies

Mariem Lajnef, Laboratory of Electro-Mechanic Systems (LASEM), National School of Engineers of Sfax (ENIS), University of Sfax, B.P. 1173, km 3.5 Soukra, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia

Mabrouk Mosbahi, University of Tunis, Higher National Engineering School of Tunis (ENSIT), Avenue Taha Hussein Montfleury, 1008, Tunisia

Zied Driss, Laboratory of Electro-Mechanic Systems (LASEM), National School of Engineers of Sfax (ENIS), University of Sfax, B.P. 1173, km 3.5 Soukra, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia

Emanuele Amato, University of Palermo, Department of Engineering, 90128, Italy

Tullio Tucciarelli, University of Palermo, Department of Engineering, 90128, Italy

Marco Sinagra, Sustainable Mobility center (Centro Nazionale per la Mobilita Sostenible-CNMS), Italy

Calogero Picone, Sustainable Mobility center (Centro Nazionale per la Mobilita Sostenible-CNMS), Italy


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