A Review: Implementation LCSA Method to Achieve Sustainable Supply Chain in Sugar Production
Life cycle sustainability assessment, sustainable manufacturing, sugar manufacturingAbstract
In today's rapidly evolving world, every industry grapples with challenge of integrating sustainability into supply chain process for survival and prosperity. Manufacturing significantly influences sustainability, affecting economy, environment, and society. The manufacturing industry significantly contributes to growth and development of any country. Manufacturing is grappling with increasing environmental, governance, and sustainability challenges to ensure growth and survival in an unpredictable business and environmental environment. The literature on sustainability of economy and environment of a manufacturing industry is extensive, but social sustainability aspects have received less attention. This study selected sustainability indicators based on discussions with practitioners and existing literature. This research’s focus is to oversee LCSA of sugar manufacturing process. To assess effects of society, economy, and ecology of products, LCSA integrates three separate methodologies: LCA, LCC, and SLCA. LCSA is a theoretical instrument in sustainability science that incorporates sustainability across board in production. The research findings will provide valuable insights for practitioners, researchers, and managers on potential methods for implementing sustainability in sugar manufacturing.