Modeling and Simulation of Drilling Gas Mixing Process with Various Conditions in Oil and Gas Pipeline Network
Gas drilling, Mixing process, Fluid dynamicAbstract
This research aims to model and simulate the gas drilling mixing process with various conditions in the inlet gas flow. This mixing process is very crucial because it can affect the phase stability in the storage tank. Based on this, the gas that has been mixed must be ensured that it is in a perfectly mixed condition before entering the storage tank. The simulation method used in this research is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with ANSYS Fluent software. The data used as input in this simulation includes flow velocity, temperature, pressure and drilling gas composition. The simulation results are expected to show that flow velocity and pressure have a significant effect on the drilling gas mixing process in the pipe flow. In addition, the differences in the composition of the drilling gas also have an impact on the mixing process, where the more diverse the composition of the drilling gas, the more difficult it is to mix the gas homogeneously. However, by using baffle plates as a barrier and agitator in the pipe, the simulation results show that the mixing of drilling gas can be significantly increased.
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